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朱英波,男,1974年生,博士后,教授,2007年毕业于天津大学制药工程专业,2012年中国科学院微生物研究所博士后出站。     多年从事植物保护与微生物教学工作,先后主持(或主研)国家自然科学基金项目、省重点研发项目、省自然科学基金项目和河北省教育厅项目等多项科研课题,国内外发表学术论文近20篇,其中SCI索引6篇。




[1] Yingbo Zhu, Xun Chen, Tao Chen et al., Overexpression of glucose dehydrogenase improves cell growth and riboflavin production in Bacillus subtilis. Biotechnology Letters, 2006, 28:1667-1672.

[2] Yingbo Zhu, Xun Chen, Tao Chen et al., Enhancement of riboflavin production by overexpression of acetolactate synthase in a pta mutant of Bacillus subtilis. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2007, 266:224-230.

[3] Fengyu Shi, Yingbo zhu. Application of Statistically-based experimental designs in medium optimization for spore production of Bacillus subtilis from the distillers‘ grains water. Biocontrol,2007,52:845-853.

[4] Yingbo Zhu, Fengyu Shi, Jianqing Tian, Jianbin Liu, Senyu Chen, Meichun Xiang, Xingzhong Liu. Effect of soybean monoculture on the bacterial communities associated with cysts of Heterodera glycines. Journal of Nematology, 2013, 45:228-235.

[5] Yingbo Zhu, Jianqing Tian, Fengyu Shi, Lei Su, Keke Liu, Meichun Xiang, Xingzhong Liu. Rhizosphere bacterial communities associated with healthy and Heterodera glycines-infected soybean roots. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2013, 58 : 32-37.

[6] Shi Fengyu, Cai Ai Jun,Tian Hui,Wu Nan, Zhu Yingbo, Isolation, characterization and degradation products of a chitosanase from Paecilomyces sp. CS-Z. 菌物学报(英文版), 2013, 32(4): 721-728.

[7] 朱英波, 史凤玉, 王牛牛, 田建卿, 向梅春, 刘杏忠. 黑龙江大豆胞囊线虫胞囊可培养细菌多样性. 微生物学报,2012,52(7):772-779.              

[8] 史凤玉,武云鹏,张瑞敬,吴楠,朱英波.野生大豆内生细菌多样性及其杀线虫活性分析.植物保护学报,2013,40(4):327-332.


1. 基于耕地地力的甘薯茎线虫病绿色防控技术体系

2. 壳寡糖对黄瓜根结线虫病缓解作用及土壤微生物多样性的影响

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邮箱: zhu_yb@126.com

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